Build a Website

“Build a website!”, they said. “It’s so easy, a baby could do it!”, they said.  OK, I said that, and now I know I was wrong. And apparently, since I am not, in fact, an actual baby, it was (and is) quite a bit tougher than ‘they’ said. I’d like to throat-punch “they’ right now, but I need better web-presence and I can’t pay a designer, so I must DIY the thing! Mind you, I have built a few other sites in the past, on some of those other daddy-type sites, and those were quite easy. However, they aren’t engaging, nor rich. They look & feel archaic and quite remedial. Bluehost works well for WordPress and allows a much nicer, more professional feeling site. No, this isn’t an ad and I have no affiliation with either company. The drawback here is that it’s quite a bit more involved, there is some research required and some YouTube University needed. I feel like, as with everything else in this world, the people who create products aren’t necessarily the ones using them. Often times, these programs are Open Source and that can create issues on it’s own. Often times, a WordPress theme promises to work seamlessly and blend beautifully with this, that, and the other thing, and it simply doesn’t deliver well. But eventually, we figure it out, there is a learning curve and we discover work-arounds or, in many cases, learn that the issue is with ourselves. I’ve always believed that we should get out of our comfort zones and learn something useful every day. So here I am, learning my ass off! And it is good! While I’m not an actual baby, I am a creative, an artist, so.. .you know, it’s close! I am enjoying learning and I love creating. My hope is to share my art, maybe sell a bit of it, and keep learning everyday. This site will always be in flux as I am a full-time traveler & artist and a retired stylist. I’ll share my art, my experiences, my life. You’ll see where I am & what I’m doing or working on. You’ll see from where I draw my inspiration. Hopefully you’ll discover why I do what I do and why I can sometimes be a complete nut job! “Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.” ~ Edgar Allen Poe